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- Crina Boboc and S. Dascalescu :Good gradings of matrix algebras by finite abelian groups of prime
index, p.5-11
- Dumitru Busneag and Dana Piciu:Residuated lattice of fractions relative to a
-closed system, p.13-24
- N. Chifan, C.Nastasescu and B. Torrecillas:Semiprime graded rings of finite support, p.25-30
- Jim Coykendall and Tiberiu Dumitrescu:An infinite product of formal power series, p.31-36
- Iuliu Crivei and Septimiu Crivei:
-purity for modules, p.37-46
- Alexandru Gica:Cumulative sum of the Liouville function related to Gauss's problem of the tenth field, p.47-53
- Ion. D. Ion and Constantin Nita:Ultraproducts of transitive rings of linear transformations, p.55-60
- Mihai Iosif:Note on self-injective modules, p.61-62
- Gabriel Mincu and Laurentiu Panaitopol:On some properties of squarefree and squareful numbers, p.63-68
- Laurentiu Panaitopol and Doru Stefanescu:Polynomial Factorizations, p.69-74
- Dorin Popescu and Marius Vladoiu:Strong Lefschetz property on algebras of embedding dimension three, p.75-86
- Sergiu Rudeanu:On unary lattice functions and Boolean functions, p.87-98
- Mirela Stefanescu:Some interpretations of hypergroups, p.99-104
- Cristian Voica:On a property of conics, p.105-110