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Dumitru Busneag and Dana Piciu:Residuated lattice of fractions relative to a $\wedge $-closed system, p.13-24


The aim of this paper is to introduce (taking as a guide-line the case of rings) the notion of residuated lattice of fractions relative to a $\wedge $-closed system. For the case of Hilbert algebras, $MV$ and pseudo $MV$-algebras, $BL$ and pseudo $BL$-algebras.

With this paper we initiate a study for the localization of residuated lattices.

Key Words: Residuated lattice, residuated lattice of fractions, $\wedge $-closed system.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 03G10,
Secondary 06B20, 08A72, 03G25.

Download the paper in pdf format here.