Comenzile efectuate in perioada 29.03.2025 - 13.04.2025 vor fi livrate incepand cu data de 14.04.2025.

Romanian - American Foundation RMS

Romanian-American Foundation

Societatea de Ştiinţe Matematice din România



a program of The Romanian-American Foundation, implemented in partnership with The Romanian Mathematical Society (2011-2014)


      This program aims to contribute to reform mathematics instruction in schools in order to enhance students’ mathematical competencies and build skills required by the labor market.


Program Manager: Romanian Mathematical Society (RMS).

Partners: University Ovidius of Constanta – Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics; University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics; INTUITEXT and Dinu Patriciu Foundation.

RAF Contribution: 506.729 $ (total budget: 872.729 $)

Duration: March 2011-February 2014



  1. To equip mathematics teachers with new knowledge and modern teaching methods presented in Gazeta Matematica (new content and design) and organize teacher trainings.

  2. To improve the distribution of Gazeta Matematica at national level (business plan).

  3. To enhance students’ interest in mathematics using up-dated and more attractive teaching methods, and equip them with relevant skills for the labor market.

  4. To increase the capacity of the RMS to ensure long term sustainability and effectiveness of the organization..


Expected results

  • The Gazeta Matematica will contribute to developing problem solving and logical thinking skills in students and providing teachers with new teaching methods;

  • 120 teachers will be trained to work with students during classroom hours and hold extracurricular activities with gifted children; also, they will be able to create new types of problems linking mathematics to the real world;

  • Approximately 5,000 teachers using the Gazeta Matematica will be able to make a change in the way they teach in the classroom and during the extracurricular activities;

  • 10,000 students enrolled in the mathematics competition will improve their mathematical competencies and will acquire skills required by the labor market;

  • Approximately 180 students gifted for mathematics will receive professional ongoing support for achieving high results (summer camps/tutoring, mathematical competitions, etc.);

  • A business plan for Gazeta Matematica will be drafted, implemented  and annually updated with RAF technical support;

  • A RMS strategic development plan for three to five years will be approved by their board.


          Program Manager: Romanian Mathematical Society ( was founded in 1910, aiming to contribute to the reinforcement and improvement of mathematics education, training and research. RMS is producing and distributing a large number of publications at a national and international level (information and training resources, including the Gazeta Matematica). RMS receives support and recognition from the Ministry of Education; it is accredited as a training provider and issues certificates for teachers.