- TOME 61 (109), no. 1, 2018
- Victor Alexandru, Marian Vâjâitu, Alexandru Zaharescu: On some modules associated with Galois orbits, 3-11
- Calin Ambrozie, Aurelian Gheondea: Interpolation for Completely Positive Maps: Numerical Solutions, 13-22
- Zoheir Chebel, Abdenacer Makhlouf: Weak Hom-bialgebras and weak Hom-Hopf algebras, 23-38
- Mehdi Delkhosh, Kourosh Parand, Hossein Yousefi: Accurate numerical solution for a type of astrophysics equations using three classes of Euler functions, 39-49
- T. Kalaimani, T. Raja, V. Sadhasivam, S. H. Saker: Oscillation of Impulsive Neutral Partial Differential Equations with Distributed Deviating Arguments, 51-68
- Shamsa Kanwal, Gerhard Pfister: Standard Bases with Special Generators of the Leading Idea, 69-81
- Asma Khalid, Adrian Popescu, Dorin Popescu: Algorithms in the classical Néron Desingularization, 83-94
- Giancarlo Rinaldo: Some algebraic invariants of edge ideal of circulant graphs, 95-105
- Dan Yang: Some classifications of Weingarten translation hypersurfaces in Euclidean space, 107-115