- TOME 58 (106), no.3, 2015
- Toma Albu: Cogalois Theory: an outline, p.223-230
- Lucian Badescu: Infinitesimal extensions of rank two vector bundles on submanifolds of small codimension, p.231-243
- Alexandru Buium: Transcendental numbers as solutions to arithmetic differential equations, p.245-255
- Alexandru Dimca, Stefan Papadima and Alexandru Suciu: Algebraic models, Alexander-type invariants, and Green-Lazarsfeld sets, p.257-269
- Xiao Feng, Liping Yuan and Tudor Zamfirescu: Acute Triangulations of Archimedean Surfaces. The Truncated Tetrahedron, p.271-282
- Otto Liess: Temperate growth at the boundary for solutions of hypoelliptic equations, p.283-295
- G. Lusztig: Restriction of a character sheaf to conjugacy classes, p.297-309
- Rahim Moosa and Matei Toma: A note on subvarieties of powers of
-manifolds, p.311-316
- Henri Moscovici: Equivariant Chern classes in Hopf cyclic
cohomology, p.317-330
- Florian Pop: On the minimized decomposition theory of valuations, p.331-357
- Dorin Popescu and Andrei Zarojanu: Three generated, squarefree, monomial ideals, p.359-368