- Ibrahim Ilker Akça, Osman Avcioglu: Equivalence between (pre)cat
-algebroids and
(pre)crossed modules of
-algebroids, 267-288
- Manuel González Sarabia, M. Eduardo
Uribe-Paczka, Eliseo Sarmiento, Carlos Rentería: Relative
generalized minimum distance functions, 289-302
- Tamara Koledin, Zoran Stanic: Notes on Johnson and Hamming signed graphs, 303-315
- Grigore Calugareanu, Horia F. Pop:
On stable range one matrices, 317-327
- Shokoufeh Habibi, Zohreh Habibi, Masoomeh
Hezarjaribi: Domination number in the Zariski topology-graph
of modules, 329-340
- Pavel Osipov: Statistical Lie algebras of constant curvature and locally conformally Kähler Lie algebras, 341-358
- Yasutsugu Fujita, Maohua Le, Nobuhiro
Terai: Some exponential Diophantine equations attached to
Pythagorean triples, 359-365