Saima Aslam, Muhammad Ahsan Binyamin, Hasan Mahmood: A classifier for equidimensional contact unimodal map germs, 285-300


We found an overlapping in the classification of equidimensional unimodular map germs with respect to contact equivalence (type $3$ and $5$) given by Dimca and Gibson over ${\Bbb C}$. The reason is an error in the classification of nets of conics found by the anonymous referee. On this basis we correct the classification. Moreover, we characterize this classification in terms of certain invariants and on the basis of this characterization we present an algorithm to compute the type of the equidimensional contact unimodular map germs without computing the normal form and also give its implementation in the computer algebra system SINGULAR.

Key Words: Equidimensional map germ, $\mathcal{K}$-equivalence, codimension.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 58Q05; Secondary 14H20.