Doria Affane, Meriem Aissous, Mustapha Fateh Yarou: Existence results for sweeping process with almost convex perturbation, 119-134


We consider an evolution inclusion governed by the so-called "sweeping process". The right-hand side contains a set-valued perturbation, upper semi-continuous with nonempty compact and almost convex values. We generalize first an existence result when the perturbation is with convex but not necessary bounded values, topological properties of the attainable set are also established. Then, in a particular case arising in planning procedures, the problem with almost convex perturbation is investigated in order to establish the existence of time optimal solutions.

Key Words: Normal cone, almost convex set, minimal norm, attainable set, differential inclusion, time optimal problem.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 34A60. Secondary 28A25