Salvatore de Candia, Maria Falcitelli : Slant immersions in $C_5$-manifolds, 239-255

Odd-dimensional non anti-invariant slant submanifolds of an $\alpha$- Kenmotsu manifold are studied. We relate slant immersions into a Kähler manifold with suitable slant submanifolds of an $\alpha$-Kenmotsu manifold. More generally, in the framework of Chinea-Gonzalez, we specify the type of the almost contact metric structure induced on a slant submanifold, then stating a local classification theorem. The case of austere immersions is discussed. This helps in proving a reduction theorem of the codimension. Finally, slant submanifolds which are generalized Sasakian space-forms are described.

Key Words: slant submanifold, $\alpha$-Kenmotsu manifold, warped product manifold, warped product immersion, generalized Sasakian space-form.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 53C25, Secondary 53C42, 53C15.