Toshihiro Yamaguchi: Rational toral rank of a map, p.437-445


Let $X$ and $Y$ be simply connected CW complexes with finite rational cohomologies. The rational toral rank $r_0(X)$ of a space $X$ is the largest integer $r$ such that the torus $T^r$ can act continuously on a CW-complex in the rational homotopy type of $X$ with all its isotropy subgroups finite [8]. As a rational homotopical condition to be a toral map preserving almost free toral actions for a map $f:X\to Y$, we define the rational toral rank $r_0(f)$ of $f$, which is a natural invariant with $r_0(id_X)=r_0(X)$ for the identity map $id_X$ of $X$. We will see some properties of it by Sullivan models, which is a free commutative differential graded algebra over Q[4].

Key Words: Almost free toral action, rational toral rank, Sullivan model.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 55P62;
Secondary: 57S99, 55R70.

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