- TOME 56 (104), no.2, 2013
- Gabriel Baditoiu,
and Anna Maria Pastore: Spectral geometry of Riemannian Legendre foliations, p.135-150
- M.Ahmadi Baseri, M. Bidkham and
Madjid Eshaghi: A generating operator of inequalities for polynomials, p.151-162
- A. Blecher, A. Knopfmacher, F. Luca and S. Wagner: On sums of distinct odd squares arising from a class of totally symmetric plane partitions, p.163-171
- Grigore Calugareanu and Lavinia Pop: Morphic objects in categories, p.173-180
- Aurelian Cernea: Filippov lemma for a certain differential inclusion of fourth-order, p.181-189
- Alexandru Dimca: Syzygies of Jacobian ideals and defects of linear systems, p.191-203
- Xinlong Feng: An analytic study on the multi-pantograph delay
equations with variable coefficients, p.205-215
- Amir Hashemi and Benyamin M.-Alizadeh: Computing Minimal Polynomial of Matrices over Algebraic Extension Fields, p.217-228
- Ioana-Claudia Lazar: Systolic simplicial complexes are collapsible, p.229-236
- Victor Vuletescu: A restriction theorem for torsion-free sheaves on some elliptic manifolds, p.237-242