- E. L. Popescu, A.Zaharescu: A tribute to Professor Nicolae Popescu, p.3-11
- Sever Achimescu and Ghiocel Groza: Functions preserving spheres in
, p.11-24
- E. Akalan, M.R. Helmi, H. Marubayashi and A. Ueda: Bounded generalized Dedekind prime rings, p.25-31
- Toma Albu and Mihai Iosif: The category of linear modular lattices, p.33-46
- Victor Alexandru, Cosmin Constantin Nitu and Marian Vâjâitu: On the norm of the trace functions and applications, p.47-54
- Victor Alexandru and Angel Popescu :
-maximal extensions, henselian fields and conservative fields, p.55-64
- Yasir Bashir, Tudor Zamfirescu: Lattice graphs with Gallai's property, p.65-71
- Cristian Cobeli and Alexandru Zaharescu: Promenade around Pascal Triangle - Number Motives, p.73-98
- Stefania Gabelli: Locally principal ideals and finite character, p.99-108
- D. Joita, C. Nastasescu and L. Nastasescu: Recollement of Grothendieck categories. Applications to schemes, p.109-116
- Dorin Popescu and Andrei Zarojanu: Depth of some square free monomial ideals, p.117-124
- Alexandru Zaharescu: Residual transcendental extensions of valuations, irreducible polynomials, and trace series
adic fields, p.125-131