- TOME 55 (103), no.3, 2012
- Aura Bârdes: Bimonads in a
-category, p.227-240
- Zaheer Ahmad, Tiberiu Dumitrescu and Mihai Epure: A Schreier domain type condition, p.241-247
- Dionisio Gallarati: Superficie algebriche con molti punti singolari isolati, p.249-274
- Michel Grandcolas: Amélioration d' une inegalité de Markov, p.275-278
- Yongzhong Hu and Maohua Le: On the number of solutions of the generalized Ramanujan-Nagell equation
, p.279-293
- Gilbert Muraz and Serap Öztop: Presque périodicité avec poids, p.295-310
- Alexandru Sterian: Stable ample 2-vector bundles on Hirzebruch surfaces, p.311-317
- Yilun Shang: Groups with
-permutational property, p.319-325
- A. Tayebi and E. Peyghan: On Douglas Surfaces, p.327-334
- Andrei Zarojanu: Stanley Conjecture on intersection of three monomial primary ideals, p.335-338
- P. Baird and J.C.Wood: Addendum to P. Baird and J.C. Wood, Harmonic maps from Minkowski space and hyperbolic numbers, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 52 (100), No. 3 (2009), 195–209