TOME 43 (91), No. 3/4, 2000
Stere Ianus
On Gheorghe Vranceanu's life and mathematical work, p. 167-168
Aurel Bejancu and Hani Reda Farran
Finsler submanifolds of a C-reducible Finsler manifold, p. 169-180
Eric Boeckx and Lieven Vanhecke
Minimal radial vector fields, p. 181-185
G. Calvaruso and D. Perrone
Spectral geometry of the Jacobi operator of totally real submanifolds, p. 187-201
Cristian - N. Costinescu
Sur la KO-théorie de certaines Grassmanniennes réelles, p. 203-212
C.T.J. Dodson, M. Trinidad Pérez and M.E. Vázquez-Abal
Harmonic-Killing vector fields on Kähler manifolds, p. 213-224
Sorin Dragomir
Pseudohermitian Geometry, p. 225-246
Catalin Gherghe, Steriu Ianus and Anna Maria Pastore
Harmonic maps, harmonic morphisms and stability, p. 247-254
Peter Gilkey and Raina Ivanova
Geometric consequences of some algebraic properties of the curvature tensor, p. 255-265
X. Gual, A. M. Naveira and A. Tarrío
Integral Geometry in Euclidean and projective quaternionic spaces, p. 267-277
Theodor Hangan, Jin-ichi Itoh and Tudor Zamfirescu
Acute triangulations, p. 279-285
Takashi Koda, Lieven Vanhecke and Yoshiyui Watanabe
Weakly symmetric nearly Kähler manifolds, p. 287-297
R. Masó and A.M. Naveira
A note about some algebraic relations among the cross-sectional measures of convex bodies in R
n, p. 299-311
Zbigniew Olszak
On para-Hermitian structures on twisted products on Lie groups, p. 313-323
Vasile Oproiu
General natural almost hermitian and anti-hermitian structures on the tangent bundles, p. 325-340
Liviu Ornea and Paolo Piccinni
Complex structures on some Stiefel manifolds, p. 341-353
Radu Pantilie and John C. Wood
New results on harmonic morphisms with one-dimensional fibres, p. 355-365
Adriana Turtoi
Sur les espaces à connexion constante, p. 367-375
Izu Vaisman
Connections under symplectic reduction, p. 377-387