Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences
Mathématiques de Roumanie has been first published in 1892.
The first series appeared between 1892-1916 and 1922-1947,
while the new series has been published since 1957.
The journal was edited between 1892 and 1896 by
Societatea de Sciinte Fizice din Bucuresci under the
title Buletinul Societatii de Sciinte Fizice, and its
first director was C. I. Istrati. At the same time another
academic society, Societatea Amici Sciintelor Matematice,
published Buletinul Societatii Amici
Matematice (1894-1896) with Gh. Titeica as Editor-in-Chief.
In 1897 the scientific societies from Bucharest merged
into Societatea de Sciinte din Bucuresc, which
changed its name to Societatea Româna de Stiinte
in 1903. The first president was C. Gogu until his death on 31
January 1897, followed by C. I. Istrati. It was then decided
to publish one single journal under the name
Buletinul Societatii de Stiinte din Bucuresti.
C. I. Istrati was the director of the Editorial Board
until 1906. The journal published articles in mathematics, as well
as in physics, chemistry and the natural sciences, edited in Romanian,
French and German. After 1906 the Editorial Board was chaired
by N. Coculescu (1906-1907), D. Emmanuel (1907-1915), and
Tr. Lalescu (1922). The journal did not appear during the first
world war to which Romania took part between 1916 and 1918, and
resumed its publication
only in 1922.
In 1923 Societatea de Stiinte din Bucuresti
was restructured into a new association, Societatea
Româna de Stiinte, with several sections. The Bulletin
was divided in three journals devoted to mathematics,
physics and chemistry. Among these, only Bulletin
Mathématique continued its publication after the second world war.
The journal was called Buletinul de Stiinte
Matematice Pure si Aplicate -- Bulletin des Sciences
Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, and was published by
the Mathematical Section of the Societatea Româna de
Stiinte. The Editorial Board was chaired by
Tr. Lalescu (1923-1929), Gh. Titeica (1930-1932, 1937),
D. Pompeiu (1933-1936, 1938-1940), O. Onicescu (1941-1944)
and M. Nicolescu (1945-1947), and included among other mathematicians
R. Raclis (1928-1933), Gh. Mihoc (1932-1933), and
N. Teodorescu (1941-1947). Between 1923 and 1947 were published 22
volumes (vol 26-48), and the journal continued its appearance even
during Romania's participation to the second world war between
It was agreed that Bulletin Mathématique would continue
the journal founded in 1892, under the new series begun in 1957.
The journal has since been published regularly with four issues yearly,
and it has accepted articles in French, English, German and Italian.
The journal's name changed slightly over the years, following
the changes in Romania's official name and implicitly, in that of
Societatea de Stiinte Matematice.
The journal appeared successively as Bulletin Mathématique de la
Société des Sciences Mathématiques et Physiques de la
R. P. R. (1957-1963), Bulletin Mathématique de la
Société des Sciences Mathématiques de la R. P. R. (1964-1965),
Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences
Mathématiques de la R. S. Roumanie (1966-1989), Bulletin
Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de
Roumanie (since 1990).
Between 1957-1993 the Editorial Board was coordinated by
N. Teodorescu. During 1994-2000 N. Teodorescu was honorary
president of the editorial committee, while I. D. Ion served as
executive president and D. Stefanescu as scientific secretary.
I. D. Ion continued as president of the Editorial Board between 2001-2003,
with scientific secretaries R. N. Gologan and D. Stefanescu.
C. Gherghe has also been scientific secretary since 2002.
In 2004 the Editorial Board was enlarged by including several prestigious
academics from abroad. Currently, I. Tomescu is Editor-in-Chief,
D. Stefanescu is associate editor, and C. Gherghe is scientific
Between 1957-2004 were published 47 volumes in the new series.
Between 1892-2004 were published overall 95 volumes.
1897-1916, 1922 Buletinul Societatii de Sciinte din
Bucuresci, România -- Bulletin de la Société des
Sciences de Bucarest, Roumanie, volumes 6-25.
1923-1947 Buletinul de Stiinte Matematice Pure si
Aplicate -- Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques Pures et
Appliquées, volumes 26-48.
1957-2005 New series, volumes 1-48 (49-96):
1957-1963 Bulletin Mathématique de la
Société des Sciences Mathématiques et Physiques de la
R. P. R.
Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences
Mathématiques de la R. P. R.
1966-1989 Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des
Sciences Mathématiques de la R. S. Roumanie.
Since 1990
Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences
Mathématiques de Roumanie.
FL. DIAC: Monografia Societatii de Stiinte Matematice din România, Bucharest, RMS (1998).
H. HODO¸S, AL. SADI IONESCU: Academia Româna, Publicatiunile Periodice Românesti, t. I, Catalog Alfabetic 1820-1906, Bucharest, Socec (1913).
G. BAICULESCU, G. RADUCA, N. ONOFREI: Publicatiunile Periodice Românesti, t. II, Catalog Alfabetic 1907-1918, Bucharest, Ed. Academiei (1969).
I. STANCA DESA, D. MORARESCU, I. PATRICHE, A. RALIADE, I. SOLICU: Publicatiunile Periodice Românesti, t. III, Catalog Alfabetic 1919-1924, Bucharest, Ed. Academiei (1987). I. STANCA DESA, D. MORARESCU, I. PATRICHE, C. I. RADU, A. RALIADE: Publicatiunile Periodice Românesti, t. IV, Catalog Alfabetic 1925-1930, Bucharest, Ed. Academiei (2003).